Made with Clean Ingredients

Hy-Vee met with me to discuss a marketing idea they came up with. Their idea was to introduce their customers to the stories behind some of the local brands they stock on their shelves.
I loved the idea and I'm proud that they selected our Dogpatch Salad Dressings as the first product to feature in the video series!
I think they did a great job telling our story and I'm proud to be on Hy-Vee store shelves. The next time you're at Hy-Vee be sure to pick up a bottle or two - or just add them to your next Hy-Vee Aisles Online order.
Have you ever looked at the ingredients on a nutritional label and wondered what all those strange words were? I know I have!
Take a look at the ingredients on our dressings; they are clean, simple, recognizable, and easy to understand. We do not use any added preservatives, chemicals, or things you can't pronounce. All our dressings are made with ingredients that are Non-GMO, do not contain dairy, do not have artificial sugar, and are gluten-free.
Know when you are using our dressings you are feeding your body fuel to make it stronger and healthier!
Most people make a conscious decision to eat salads because they want to eat clean and healthy. Unfortunately, many times salad dressings are loaded with ingredients that are unhealthy and can make salads the opposite of nutritious. Consumers may mean well in eating a salad, but sadly the dressings can add many unwanted calories, fat, preservatives, sugar, and more.
We make our DUG Salad Dressings with the goal of, "Keeping Salads Healthy." You can feel good knowing our dressings are made with limited ingredients (yes, you can pronounce every ingredient on the label), no added sugar, no dairy, and an avocado oil base. Our dressings are a great choice for eating a nutritious meal!
We made the conscious decision to use a healthy oil for the base of our vinaigrette dressings. Most dressings are made with "junk" oils such as canola, soybean, and other vegetable oils. These unhealthy oils can be linked to chronic inflammation which can be associated with heart disease, obesity, cancer, diabetes, and arthritis.
Avocado oil, on the other hand, has properties that may enhance rather than hinder your health.
We formulate our dressings in our on-site kitchen to our exacting standards of flavor and health.